A Tibetan Singing Bowl and crystal bowls therapy generates powerful Spiritual sound bath with intense vibrations that induce feelings of peace and relaxation, meditation allowing stress and any other blocks deep inside the body to be released.

About Me

I have been associated with music for over 25 years as a DJ / producer,playing at many festivals. I graduated from college music and production at Loughborugh college in 2007 ..

Over the last 4 years I have undergone great life and spiritual changes, I have become a certified practitioner of:

-theta healing 4levels

-body massage

- Bert Hellinger Therapeutic method best known as Family Constellations and Systemic Constellations- I participated in over 100 sessions as well

-Throat Singing

- Singing bowls and crystal bowls

- Organise/playing live acts know as "Cacao


- Producing meditation and relaxing music   

- Also Playing Handpan, djembe drums

Iam the author of 2 meditation books and 3 audiobooks, links below

Our Services

I do 30 mins sessions 1 2 1 with singing bowls and crystal bowls also group sessions known as "Spiritual Sound Bath" and live acts Cacao Ceremonies and Dj performances as well

There is a home visit available

Contact me for more info filling the form below

Do you have trouble focusing or letting go of your thoughts? Having Sound Bath Meditation session with Singing Bowls or crystal bowls and guided meditation can provide you with incredible healing benefits:
  • Reduction of stress and deep relaxation
  • Bring balance to the entire chakra system by balancing each chakra
  • Eliminate blockages and toxins
  • Emotional purification
  • Removes negative energy
  • Improve your sleep quality
  • Impact all cells of the body
  • If you're ready to free yourself now then click the button below and book your apoinment 

Get in Touch

We will reply in 24-48 hours

Spiritual Soundbath Workshop

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